Yes, this blog is getting more poetic and less photographic. I apologize.
Being in Honolulu last week was quite frustrating, because I had to drive. My faithful truck that I bought on the Lemon Lot at Hickam AFB was sputtering and not wanting to work for me. We had been going steady for about 2 1/2 years with no real problems. But I guess she had attachment issues with me being away for so long, and since nobody had given her attention in 4+ months, let alone tried to turn the key in her ignition, refusing to start was her way of telling me how much she resented me for jilting her. I suppose the the crappy clutch pedal was another hidden message she was sending me. I'm not sure if we're going to work out in the long run, but I tried to smooth things out between us for the week I was there. She's so damn emotional, I tell you.
Since my move out here to the East Coast, I have put on a new hat. It's my non-driving hat. I'm single again! I can't tell you how liberating it is to be without a vehicular girlfriend for once! This, does, however, have a few consequences.
First, it requires that I use public transportation. Do I mind? Not really, it's good for me. I'm no better than the American sitting next to me that doesn't drive a car, or own a car for that matter. The Philadelphia subway is a rat and piss-infected labrynthe, but it is fast, semi-efficient, and somewhat edgy, since the people that ride the Broad Street Line are so damn scary. It makes me feel dangerous, and that's a cool part of city living.
Second, I have to mooch rides off people when I travel long distance. This can be somewhat embarassing to put yourself at someone's mercy, but I do offer gas money as a substitution for volunteering to drive (this is something I don't care to do). So I have many people to thank. Among them include Clay (surf and beer), Marc (surf and beer), Cary, Sharon (interstate transportation), and Cathy (to be taken advantage of in the future. You just don't know it yet). You guys are the best.
In any case, I don't waste my time doing errands in cars, nor do I sweat traffic anymore. There's no more 8:00am H-1 or 405 freeway stoppage.
In fact, a good bulk of my finances are done online, as is a good deal of my shopping (think amazon.com). Do you think I'd have time for this silly blog if I had a car? Heck no. Less time in car=more time for blogging.
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